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By: Cardtopedia

How to apply for student loan forgiveness


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1. Gather proof of income, debt, and education to apply for student loan forgiveness.

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2. Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Teacher Loan Forgiveness programmes may be available to you.

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3. Contact the company that holds your loans and confirm that they are eligible for one of these programs.

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4. Submit all required documents along with a signed application form to apply for student loan forgiveness.

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5. Make sure to keep copies of all documentation in case you need it in future reference.

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6. Follow up with the lender periodically to ensure that your application is being processed.

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7. Review any correspondence from the lender carefully to ensure you’re fulfilling all requirements and deadlines necessary for loan forgiveness.

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8. If approved, track student loan payments to receive the most forgiveness.

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